Air Bud Wiki
Joe Barker
Joe Barker
Vital Statistics
Alias Coach Barker
Species Human
Other Statistics
Occupation Basketball coach (fired)
Production Details
First appearance Air Bud
Played by Stephen E. Miller

Joe Barker is the former Fernfield Timberwolves basketball coach.


Air Bud (film)

He made Josh Framm him the team's equipment manager. He was reluctantly displeased when Josh tried out for the basketball team and Josh makes the team. After losing the first due to Buddy causing a mess, he then led Josh, Jackie and Principal Pepper to the gym where he found Barker abusing Tom Stewart, one of Josh's teammates and best friend, by trying to make him catch better by hitting basketballs at him. Barker was fired and replaced by the school's kind-hearted engineer, Arthur Chaney.[1]


